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И.И. Борзенкова, А.А. Ершова, Е.Л. Жильцова, К.О. Шаповалова. Морской лёд Арктического бассейна в свете современных и прошлых климатических изменений

Аннотация За период спутниковых наблюдений (1979–2020 гг.) происходит постоянное уменьшение площадилетних льдов и их толщины со скоростью 13 и 15% за 10 лет соответственно. Отмечается быстроесокращение площади льдов старше четырёх лет и увеличение площади однолетних льдов. Анализданных о состоянии морских льдов в Арктике за голоцен, за тёплую стадию последнего межледни-ковья и середину плиоцена показал, что в тёплые эпохи прошлого площадь летних льдов сокраща-лась до минимальных значений.

Rajendran, S. et al. Monitoring oil spill in Norilsk, Russia using satellite data. Sci Rep, 2021

This paper studies the oil spill, which occurred in the Norilsk and Taimyr region of Russia due to the collapse of the fuel tank at the power station on May 29, 2020. We monitored the snow, ice, water, vegetation and wetland of the region using data from the Multi-Spectral Instruments (MSI) of Sentinel-2 satellite. We analyzed the spectral band absorptions of Sentinel-2 data acquired before, during and after the incident, developed true and false-color composites (FCC), decorrelated spectral bands and used the indices, i.e.

Anisimov O., Zimov S. Thawing permafrost and methane emission in Siberia: Synthesis of observations, reanalysis, and predictive modeling. Ambio, 2020

Permafrost has been warming in the last decade at rates up to 0.39 C 10 year-1, raising public concerns about the local and global impacts, such as methane emission. We used satellite data on atmospheric methane concentrations to retrieve information about methane emission in permafrost and non-permafrost environments in Siberia with different biogeochemical conditions in river valleys, thermokarst lakes, wetlands, and lowlands. We evaluated the statistical links with air temperature, precipitation, depth of seasonal thawing, and freezing and developed a statistical model.

Robert W. Orttung et al. Measuring the sustainability of Russia’s Arctic cities. Ambio, 2020

How sustainable are Russia’s Arctic cities? Russia’s far north metropolises are distinctive from other Arctic cities in terms of their large size, efforts to conquer nature, and big business’ impact on the urban landscape. The Russian Arctic cities’ Soviet-era design gave them compact and dense population structures. Such features led to many benefits for achieving sustainability, including more efficient energy use, a larger number of hospital beds, more numerous cultural amenities, and greater access to public transportation.


Geospatial Data Explorer Examples

DKAN can plot both latitude and longitude as well as GeoJSON on a map.


Data Explorer Examples

This group contains various real datasets that show DKAN's data previewer in action. The previewer...